【同义词辨析】 2018-07-03 吵闹vociferous-obstreperous
vociferous: implies a vehement deafening shouting or calling out: ~ cries of protest and outrage; or an insistent urgent presentation of requests, excuses, or demands: made ~ demands.
clamorous: may imply insistence as well as vociferousness in demanding or protesting: ~ demands for prison reforms.
blatant: implies an offensive bellowing or insensitive, conspicuous, or vulgar loudness: a ~ and abusive drunkard. (记忆: blatant和bellow吼叫开头发音接近:he bellowed out the order.他大吼着发出命令)
strident: suggests a harsh and discordant noise: heard the ~ cry of the crowd.
boisterous: suggests a noisiness and turbulence due to high spirits and release from constraint: a ~ crowd of partygoers. (注意是turbulence不是turbulance)
obstreperous: suggests unruly and aggressive noisiness and resistance to restraint or authority: the ~ demonstrators were removed from the hall.
vociferous吵嚷的: 强烈震耳(vehement,deafening)的吵嚷; 或表示急切坚持地请求要求求情(excuse为开脱),clamorous吵嚷的: 形容要求或抗议时坚持而大声(insistent,vociferous),blatant吼叫的: 冒犯无情粗俗的大声或吼叫(bellow吼叫),strident刺耳的: 让人难受不和谐的噪音,boisterous喧闹: 由于精神高涨(high spirits)或摆脱束缚(releasefrom constraint)而显得吵闹骚乱(turbulence除了骚动波动还表示涡流或气旋,如飞机遇到气旋),obstreperous: 表示激烈不服管制(aggressive激进,unruly不服管制)地发出噪音。
记忆方法:1)VCBSBO排序成Voice Of China Bulletin Board System: 中国之声留言板VOC BBS<==很吵闹
2)吵闹的意思是大声坚持迫使人注意mean so loud or insistent as to compel attention.